2020 BAYSHORE DR, Miami
Additional Information
Water Description: Municipal Water
Water Access: None
Roof Description: Concrete Roof
Interior Features: First Floor Entry,Closet Cabinetry,Cooking Island,Fire Sprinklers,Foye
Heating Description: Central Heat
Floor Description: Marble Floors,Tile Floors
Exterior Features: Open Balcony
Equipment Appliances: Dishwasher,Disposal,Dryer,Fire Alarm,Icemaker,Microwave,Electric Range,Refrigerator,Self Cleaning Oven,Smoke Detector,Washer
Dining Description: Dining/Living Room
Cooling Description : Central Cooling,Electric Cooling
Beautiful weekly rental unit at Paramount Bay Condominium. Fully furnished and ready to accommodate all your home needs. You will feel like you leave there. Beautiful views from Miami Biscayne Bay and South Beach. Beach service, pool, gym, SPA, valet, meeting room. Steps from Grocery stores, CVS, Restaurants and public park with basketball courts, playground for kids, volleyball, etc. 5 minutes from the Design District and Winnwood. Newest building on the area. South Beach units for seasonal rent also.
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