7737 ATLANTIC WY, Miami Beach
Additional Information
Water Description: Municipal Water
Water Access: Deeded Beach Access
Roof Description: Barrel Roof
Heating Description: Central Heat
Floor Description: Marble Floors,Wood Floors
Exterior Features: Barbeque,Exterior Lighting,Open Balcony,Open Porch,Patio
Equipment Appliances: Dishwasher,Disposal,Water Heater Leased,Icemaker,Microwave,Refrigerator
Dining Description: Formal Dining,Kitchen Dining
Cooling Description : Central Cooling
Overlooking the beautiful Beaches of Miami Beach, this refined & inviting 6 bdrm 7.5 baths, 8,900 SF Mediterranean Estate will take your breath away! Comfort & warmth designed w elegance & superior design. Monumental stairs take you to the main entrance where you will be greeted by an impressive rotunda. Indoors are impressive in scale & showcase expansive Ocean views. Cloistered in it's own wing is the Master Suite w unobstructed views of the Ocean. Newly constructed never been lived in.
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